About Me

I chased the news across the country for national outlets with personal expectations of beating the competition and writing high-quality stories infused with details and interviews you won’t find anywhere else. I own ongoing narratives and beats.


Building and maintaining contacts have been my secret weapon since I started my journey as a local freelancer as a college sophomore. My rolodex fattens everyday.


I watched the field change, newsrooms shrink and readers’ news consumption shift. I adapt and evolve by keeping up with industry info. 


I’ve created hybrid positions for myself as a local journalist for a daily Gannett paper by taking on more roles and learning new skillsets, such as video editing. The Swiss-Army-knife approach allowed me to have success at every stop during my career. 

When I got sick, the time forced me to think about why I do what I do and what do I need to do moving forward. 

The answer became clear: Help someone somehow.


Too many people feel like they don’t have a voice; others suffer from society’s problems. Authoritative bodies actions -and inaction - have detrimental effects  on too many people, but their stories are never heard.